A – THEY WATCH television every evening. – presente simple
      THEY WATCHED television yesterday evening – past simple
WATCHED in the past simple:
B – The past simple is often – ed (regular verbs). For example:
work – worked clean – cleaned dance – danced
enjoy- enjoyed This morning I cleaned my teeth.
Peter worked in a bank from 2000 to 2020.
We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people.
C- Some verbs are irregular ( = not regular). The past simple is not –ed. Here are some importante irregular verbs:
Bring- brought
Build – built
Buy – bought
Catch – caught
Come – came
Do – did
Drink – drank
Eat – ate
Fall – fell
Find – found
Fly – flew
Forget – forgot
Get – got
Give – gave
Go – went
Have – had
Hear – heard
Know – Knew
Leave – left
Lose – lost
Make – made
Meet – Met
Pay – paid
Put – put
Read – read
Ring – rang
Say – Said
See – saw
Sell – sold
Sit – sat
Sleep – slept
Speak – spoke
Stand – stood
Take – took
Tell – told
Think – thought
Win – won
Write – wrote
1) Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple: clean – die – enjoy – finish – happen – open – rain – start – stay – want
a) I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.
b) It was hot in the room so I opened the window. 
c) The concert started at 8:30 and finished at 10 o´clock.
d) When I was a child, I wanted to be doctor. 
e) The accident happened last Sunday afternoon. 
f) It´s a nice day today but yesterday it rained all day. 
g) We enjoyed our holiday last year. We stayed at a very nice place.
h) Paul´s grandfather Died when he was 95 years old. 
2) Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the correct form:
a) Jonas always goes to work by car. Yesterday he went to work by car.
b) Rachel often loses her Keys. She lost her Keys last week. 
c) Karen meets her friends every evening. She met her friends yesterday evening.
d) I usually buy three newspapers every day. Yesterday I bought three newspapers.
e) We usually go to the cinema on Sundays. Last Sunday we went to the cinema.
f) I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I ate an orange. 
g) Ann always have a shower in the morning. This morning he had a shower.
h) Our friends come to see us every Friday. They Came last Friday. 
3) Write the past simple of these verbs:
a) get: got  
b) see: saw  
c) play: played  
d) pay: paid  
e) visit: visited
f) buy: bought
g) go: went
h) think: thought
i) know: knew
j) put: put
k) speak: spoke
l) do: did