1. Escreva na forma abreviada, como no exemplo:
Exemplo: It is expensive. It’s expensive
a) It is cheap. It’s cheap.
b) I am strong. I’m strong.
c) She is my girlfriend. She’s my girlfriend.
d) He is not well. He’s not well / He isn’t well.
e) We are teachers. We’re teachers
f) They are good workers. They’re good workers.
g) What is his name? What’s his name?
h) Where is her name? Where’s her bike?
i) That is fine! That’s fine!
j) How is your mother? How’s your mother?
2. Reescreva as frases, empregando a outra forma abreviada. Observe o exemplo.
We’re not perfect. 
We aren’t perfect.
a) They aren’t at school. They’re not at school.
b) She’s not your friend. She isn’t your friend.
c) It’s not hot. It isn’t hot.
d) You’re not well. You aren´t well.
e) He isn’t rich. He’s not rich.
f) She’s not a lazy girl. She’s not a lazy girl.
3. Dê resposta negativas curtas (short answers). Observe o exemplo:

Is she well today? 
No, she isn’t.
a) Is Susan a beautiful girl? No, she isn’t
b) Is this car expensive? No, it isn´t.
c) Is Mark at home? No, he isn’t.
d) Is this orange sweet? No, it isn’t.
e) Are these beaches clean? No, they aren’t.
f) Is this film interesting? No, it isn’t.
g) Is this your dog? No, it isn’t.
h) Are your parents chinese? No, they aren´t.
i) Are you tall? No, I’m not.
j) Are you American? No, I’m not.
k) Are you right? No, I’m not.
4. Dê respostas negativas por extenso. Observe o exemplo.

Are you Brazilian? 
No, I am not Brazilian.
a) Are they English? No, they are not English.
b) Are you well? No, I am not well.
c) Is it cold today? No, it is not cold today.
d) Is it warm? No, it is not warm today.
e) Are your parents angry? No, they are not angry.
f) Is Julie hungry? No, she is not hungry.
g) Are you thirsty? No, I am not thirsty.
5. Responda de forma afirmativa ou negativa.
a) Is it an apple?
No, it is not an apple. It’s an orange.
b) Is this a fruit?
Yes, this is a fruit. It is an apple.
c) Are these magazines?
No, they are not. They are books.
d) Are those ships?
No, they aren’t. They are boats.
6. Responda as questões seguindo o exemplo abaixo.
She – funny – serious
She’s not funny.
She’s serious.
a) I – teacher – dentist
I am not a teacher.
I’m a dentist.
b) I – John – William
I’m not john.
I’m William.
c) It – near – far
It’s not near.
It’s far.
d) She – strong – weak
She´s not strong.
She’s weak.
e) The model – fat – thin
The model is not fat.
She’s thin.
f) They – American – Mexican
They’re not American.
They’re Mexican
g) I – tall – short
I’m not tall.
I’m short.
h) The film – interesting – boring
The film is not interesting.
It’s boring.
7. Reescreva as frases na forma abreviada. Observe o exemplo.

It is an orange.
It’s an orange.
a) Who is that boy?
Who’s that boy?
b) Where is my key?
where’s my key?
c) What is his name?
What’s his name?
d) What is your name?
What’s your name?
e) Where is she from?
Where’s she from?
f) you are right.
You’re right.
g) We are at home.
We’re at home.
h)They are at school.
They’re at school.