EXERCÍCIOS SOBRE “ARTICLES” (Língua Inglesa 6º ano)

1. Complete os espaços com a ou on:
an egg
a car
a uniform
an artist
a house
an honour
a dog
an ant
a university
a used book
an hour
a tree
an honest man
an important date
an excellent book
an elephant
an airplane
a bus
2. Complete as frases utilizando as expressões abaixo precedidas dos artigos a ou an:

Famous Brazilian pilot / English writer / American singer / Brazilian black leader / Tennis Player / Football player / Italian artist / Movie star
a) Willian Shakespeare was an English writer.
b) Guga is a tennis player.
c) Julia Roberts is a movie star.
d) Elvis Presley was an American singer.
e) Michelangelo was an Italian artist.
f) Neymar is a football player.
g) Zumbi was a Brazilian black leader.
h) Ayrton Senna was a famous Brazilian pilot.
3. Marque a alternativa correta.
She is
( x ) a dentist
(    ) a teacher
(     ) an engineer
(    ) an artist
4. Marque a alternativa correta.
a) Lilian is
( x ) a beaultiful girl
(     ) an old woman
b) complete com an ou a:
She is not an old woman.
She is a happy girl.
5. Complete o texto com artigos definidos ou indefinidos e responda a pergunta.
I have four legs and a tail. I am the king of the animals. You can see me in the zoo or in the florests in Africa. I can roar.
What am I? You are a lion.
6. Traduza para inglês.

a) O menino. The boy.
b) Os meninos. The boys.
c) A menina. The girl.
d) As meninas. The girls.
7. Siga o modelo.
Rose: This is as rose
a) Tree: this is a tree.
b) Car: this a car.
c) Plane: this is a plane.
d) Boy: this is a boy.
e) Girl: this is a girl.
f) Pen: this is a pen.
8. Siga o modelo.
Orange: That is an orange.
a) Apple: that is an apple.
b) Egg: that is an egg.
c) Ice cream: that is an ice cream.
d) Elephant: that is an elephant.
e) Umbrella: that is an umbrella.
f) American boy: that is an American boy.
9. Complete com a ou an.
a) That is an American girl.
b) This is an English boy.
c) This is an egg.
d) That is a house.
e) This is a table.
f) That is an elephant.
g) This is an orange.
h) That is a pen.
i) That is a desk.